A manuscript should follow guidelines given in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 5th edition (APA style). It should not exceed 20 pages, inclusive of text, tables, figures, references, and appendices.

The manuscript should be typed with Arial or Times New Roman 12 pt. font, double-spaced, on 8½ x 11-inch page size, with a margin of one inch on all sides. The right-hand margin should have justified alignment.

Equations must be numbered. Tables should be inserted as an MS Word-formatted table, not as an image. Figures and charts should also be inserted as an MS Excel-formatted figure or graph.

Images must be clear and clean, and should be set at 300 dpi for color or grayscale. Footnotes should not be used for reference purposes and should be avoided when possible. Any color figures/images in an electronic manuscript submission will appear in the online journal in color, and the black and white in print will be derived from the color online manuscript. Please make sure that the images/figures appear sufficiently clear to both color and black and white versions.

All references and/or content notes must be placed at the end of the text.

Abstracts should be no longer than 200 words, and it should summarize the objective, methods, results, and conclusion.

Up to ten keywords should be provided for easy indexing, and if possible, subject keywords should be indicated to aid in selecting reviewers.

A detailed set of style guidelines will be sent to the author once a manuscript is accepted for publication.